 03 9349 5809

 pl@datta.vic.edu.au

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Members can contact DATTA Vic with any OH&S questions or issues at pl@datta.vic.edu.au.

Technologies departments must make their own school-based decisions about the introduction of machinery, based on their teaching program, the experience and qualifications of their teaching staff and their judgement on the competency and maturity levels of their students.

Below are a range of useful OH&S information and links;

OH&S Advice for Technologies Teachers

Government schools can contact the DET's OH&S Advisory line, run by Marsh PTY Ltd, their OHS support service provider.

Call 1300 074 715 or email safety@education.vic.gov.au

Teachers can also contact WorkSafe Victoria's advisory line on 1800 136 089, or email info@worksafe.vic.gov.au

The Department of Education has a Plant & Equipment Management website, which includes guidelines on safe working procedures, restricted plant and student licenses. 

You'll find the list of restricted plant, which only senior students may use on completion of a competency test HERE.

You'll find Plant and Equipment Risk Management Forms and Safe Work Procedure templates HERE. They have been designed as generic guides to assist workplaces with assessing plant risks and developing safe work procedures.

Teachers can also refer to WorkSafe's OHS for Schools - a Practical Guide for School Leaders for advice on safety on the Technologies classroom.

Safe Use of Machinery for Technology Teaching

To teach in the Wood/Metal areas in government schools, you are required to have ‘Safe Use of Machinery’ accreditation (22623VIC). It is also highly recommended that teachers in Catholic and Independent schools complete this course. Your employer will likely arrange for you to undertake this course when you start teaching.

The Safe Use of Machinery course (22623VIC) is a multi-day course that accredits teachers in the following areas:

  • General OH&S requirements related to the Technologies learning area
  • Accreditation in the safe use of Woodworking static machinery
  • Accreditation in the safe use of Metalworking static machinery

This purpose of this course isn’t to provide initial training in the use of these machines, but to check that teachers are experienced and can use machinery safely within a classroom setting.

The following providers are currently approved to run these courses:

Chemical Safety

Did you know that all government schools have access to the Chemwatch service?  This helps you with managing the risks associated with using chemicals in schools, and has safety sheets for relevant products. Ask your principal or OH&S staff member for the log-in details now!

Safety in 3D Printing & Laser Cutting

Andrew Nicholls & Associates has curated a series of risk assessments/guides to using 3D Printing and Laser Cutting in the classroom.

Download resource 

Machine Levels Matrix

DATTA Vic have produced this Machine Levels Matrix for D&T educators.

It was compiled after extensive consultation with many teachers. Please note that the level suggestions are intended as advice only.

Download resource

Resources Shared by Teachers

*These resources are not DET-approved, but can provide guidance when developing your own classroom procedures.

Resources for Sale

OH&S In the Technologies Classroom Resource Package

Purchase here

This resources package was collated following the DATTA Vic OH&S in the Technologies Classroom Webinar from November 2022. The session was presented by Angel Villamarzo from Marsh Consultancy, who run the OH&S advisory service on behalf of the DET.

Angel covered the latest legislation that Technologies educators need to be aware of, with a particular focus on the set up of new spaces for practical work. He discussed both traditional plant and new technologies, and answered a wide range of questions from participating educators.

This package includes:

  • The webinar recording
  • Presenter slides
  • Sample job descriptions for D&T Technician roles

Disclaimer: These resources are the work of practising teachers or education providers. They have been sources and shared in good faith and for general information only. They do not necessarily reflect the views of DATTA Vic, nor do DATTA Vic endorse the accuracy or suitability of the information for any particular purpose. Note that this material has not been verified by VCAA. Responsibility in response to the material must be accepted by users. For VCE, teachers must refer to the mandatory documents in relation to the VCE Product Design and Technologies/Systems Engineering study designs from VCAA, which are available online and updated every year. For safety information, teachers must consult the relevant OHS Hazard Management section of the department's website.





ABN 97 315 356 383

 03 9349 5809

 pl@datta.vic.edu.au

  Abbotsford Convent

Room C1.22

Convent Building

1 St Heliers Street


VIC 3067

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