Where: 4pm - 6pm
Wednesday 1st Feb, 8th Feb, 15th Feb, 22nd Feb, 1st Mar
Where: Online- Delivered via Webex - link provided on the day of each session
Presenter: Peter Murphy
Applications are now open
This program is FREE and only available to 2023 members. Applications close 13th December.
Schools in Victoria are currently facing a severe shortage in recruiting trained Design & Technologies teachers. Over the past few years, many D&T teachers have retired, and with limited opportunities for people to undertake initial teacher education in D&T, we have a situation with a growing number of job openings and no one to fill them. DATTA Vic is working with our partners to develop long term solutions to this crisis.
However, we understand that schools need support now, as more and more teachers from other learning areas (art, science, etc) are being called on to deliver the D&T curriculum. We also know that the problem is even greater for schools in regional areas.
Therefore, with support from Creative Futures Ltd, we are delivering our Online Teaching Design Masterclass for our members for free in February 2023. The program is targeted at new and existing teachers who may not have had initial Technologies Teacher training but are currently teaching the D&T curriculum in secondary schools.
The Masterclass will be delivered by Peter Murphy, former president of DATTA Australia and DATTA Vic who has been delivering Teaching Design Masterclasses for DATTA Vic since 2019. Peter is a sought after speaker and leader in Design and Technologies education. He lectures in Initial Teacher Education at La Trobe University and Southern Cross University and on Industrial Design at RMIT, and runs his own Technolgies Education Consultancy.
The program will be delivered via five webinars. These will run from 4pm - 6pm on February 1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd and 29th and March 5th. There will also be 2 hours of project work each week, to be carried out at a time suitable for each participant.
To be eligible for this program, you must:
- be a DATTA Vic member
- be available to attend the webinars at the times and dates listed above
- be able to set aside an additional 2 hours each week to carry out project work
- to participate in evaluation of the program at the end, offering constructive feedback on all activities
Selection Criteria
There are only 10 places available on this program. Preference will be given to:
- Schools who cannot recruit a trained Design & technologies teacher
- Teachers from regional and low-SES schools
- Out of field teachers given a Design & Technologies load
- Existing Design & Technologies teachers who wish to review and improve how the D&T curriculum in delivered in their schools
Participants will be introduced to a wide range of topics, including:
- Teaching the design process
- Emerging technologies
- Modelling & prototyping techniques
- Classroom Management & OH&S
- Developing curriculum for years 7-10
- New approaches to VCE PD&T
- Precious Plastics
- Teaching STEM in D&T
- Tackling real-world problems
*NOTE - This is not a program to train teachers in the use of machinery and tools. It is intended as a means of support for educators faced with delivering an unfamiliar curriculum and offers an approach to developing programs teaching the necessary knowledge, understanding and skills without the use of the usual power tools and machines found in the Design & Technologies workshop. DATTA Vic’s main priority is to continue to advocate for a governmental response to the need to grow the number of opportunities for initial teacher education in Design & Technologies.

Delivered with support from Creative Futures.
Testimonials from previous participants:
"I've taught for 2.5 years as a STEAM & D&T Teacher. Now I feel I know what I am actually supposed to be doing."
"I can go back to school now and find more of a place for D&T, particularly with our school's obsession with Inquiry, especially seeing how well D&T links into it."
"I am excited! I have already informed my leadership of my plans for boosting our Tech staff and changing what we do!"
" I feel I have a wealth of knowledge and ideas now."
"I liked the discussions about the Sustainable Development Goals - great to discover how to integrate them into my curriculum."
" The content was very relevant to teaching the subject and taking it from a subject that is highly focused on all students making specific products to one that centres around design for preferred futures and collaborative work. Peter has a wealth of knowledge, relevant secondary and tertiary practical teaching experience and an ability to engage his audience with anecdotes, examples and conversation that was never boring or irrelevant."
“The sharing of classroom activities and design brief ideas for classes was most useful. You can't get enough of these until you become more confident in the teaching of the area to devise your own.”
“I really enjoyed the emphasis put on student led learning at every year level. Teachers need to take more of a facilitation role and allow students to follow their passion paths.”