When: Wednesday 17th May, 9:30am - 3pm
Where: Banyule Nillumbik Tech School
- $249 for members
- $360 for non-members
- $149 for students/CRT Members
Morning tea and lunch will be provided.

Join our resident expert, retired Systems Engineering teacher, Pat McMahon, to learn about some of the essential concepts in Systems Engineering.
Geared towards teachers new and existing to the subject, this session will have you ready to come up with programs in Year 9 & 10 as well as VCE Unit 2.
Participants will use basic electro-technological and basic control engineering concepts, principles and components, and design and plan an electro-technological system using the systems engineering process.
Each participant will receive a full kit to produce, from start to finish, an ‘intelligent’ robot that can perform either a set task or one of their own, which will be controlled using their own device!
"Participants will Build, Code and take away Pat’s Arduino Uno 4WD Infrared/Bluetooth Controlled Robot Buggy, using an app on their Smart Phone. Pat has DXF Files for Laser Cutting the base. The Buggy has front, rear and emergency LED Lights and a horn. It can be run with an Infrared Remote or an app on you Smart Phone. See the attached “How to Build Pat’s 4WD Robot Buggy” PDF or go to patsrobots.com website and view A053 to see a photo, video, Code and How to Build, the Robot Buggy."
Want to see what you'll be making?
Pat's 4 Wheel Drive Bluetooth-Infrared Robot Buggy
Participants must bring:
- their own computer/laptop
- a smart phone (to use as the controller)

Thanks to the Department of Education for their support for this event through their Strategic Partnership Program